(ASX: GRV) Greenvale Energy

Alpha Torbanite Project

OWNERSHIP GRV ownership - 100%
LOCATION South of Central Queensland, Australia
STAGE Exploration
STATUS Continuing exploration programs

The Alpha Torbanite project is located approximately 50km south of the Central Queensland town of Alpha. The Alpha Torbanite deposit consists of two seams – an upper seam of cannel coal with an average thickness of 1.12m and a lower seam of cannel coal containing a lens of torbanite with a thickness of up to 1.9m.

The project has been subject to extensive exploration and laboratory testing since its initial discovery in 1939, over 80 years ago. During 2019 SRK Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd (SRK) was engaged to reassess the project strategy. This resulted in a report by SRK setting out a potential new development strategy, which is based on the production of a diversified suite of value-added products.

SRK noted that, in contrast with typical oil shale deposits, the Alpha Torbanite is exceptionally high-grade, containing up to 650 litres of hydrocarbons per tonne of torbanite, and is capable of producing high-value bitumen, light crude oil and activated carbon. Additionally, the torbanite has the ability to deliver high-quality value-added products through appropriate investment in processing infrastructure.

SRK has recommended a staged work program which will initially focus on the extraction and analysis of torbanite and cannel coal bulk samples from trenches or costeans from one location in order to fully characterise the deposit, as well as undertaking a comprehensive retort testing program across a range of conditions to assess optimal outputs.